Mining rig rentals: широкопрофильный и основательный облачный майнер


KYC (Know Your Customer)

Mining Rig Rentals does not currently collect personally identifying information. We are a marketplace (essentially a retail establishment) that enables our users to pay for specific cryptocurrency mining services with cryptocurrency in leu of any other form of legal tender. We also pay clients listing their cryptocurrency mining hardware on our service in cryptocurrency in leu of any other form of legal tender. We do not offer or solicit any other cryptocurrency services such as trading, exchanging, or conversion. Our cryptocurrency wallet services are intended for the purchase of rentals, or being compensated for offering mining hardware for rentals on our service. If you are intending to purchase rentals on our platform, you must already have the cryptocurrency funds in which to pay the rental fee with. Our cryptocurrency wallet is non-custodial, and is intended only to operate between us and our client, the use of our wallet to send to a third party (Such as another person, business, or exchange) is prohibited and against our Terms Of Service. 

Mining Rig Rentals, LLC Currently operates in the United States.
We do not operate as a Money Service Business as outlined in rulings FIN-2014-R007 and FIN-2014-R004 issued by the «Financial Crimes Enforcement Network» and claim exemption from general KYC/AML Procedures.

However, there are still some situations in which we require, and including at our discretion, to collect personally identifying information.
This may include, full legal name, full legal address of residence, country of residence, picture of government issued ID, social security number or card image (United States), passport (if available), utility/rent/mortgage bill, place of work.


По существу, среди комментариев клиентов и экспертов можно выделить один-единственный действительно серьезный минус. Это сложности с обновлением настроек большого количества майнинг-установок. При возможности массовой аренды хотелось бы иметь и удобный инструмент глобального обновления параметров для всего арендуемого железа. Но этого нет, и на практике обновление возможно только вручную и отдельно для каждой установки, что может занимать длительное время.


Лучшее в MiningRigRentals – то, что он поддерживает несколько разных видов майнеров, при чем можно взять в аренду пару штук (если они есть в наличии, потому как спрос очень большой). И второе – резервные пулы. Однако на счет прибыльности самого ресурса сомнения есть…нужно влить туда кругленькую сумму и купить побольше хэша, иначе вряд ли вообще выйдешь в ноль, не говоря уже о доходе… /


Я арендую сразу несколько установок на MiningRigRentals и это жесть! Когда приходит время обновления, нужно делать это вручную и ковыряться с настройкой каждой установкой отдельно. функции авто обновления, ничего не нашлось. Очень много времени отнимает такая процедура. деньги еще не выводил


Я ничего толком не заработал здесь за несколько недель, хэшрейт арендованных мощей оказался намного ниже предполагаемого. По правилам компании, вроде как можно пересмотреть условия аренды оборудования, я пытаюсь связаться с поддержкой, чтобы обсудить этот вопрос, но пока неуспешно. Такие дела


MiningRigRentals – вишу уже пол года, параллельно с некоторыми другими. Сравнивал цены и производительность, не могу сказать, что MiningRigRentals чем-то лучше других, но работает более-менее стабильно. За всё время сотрудничества был только один сбой с выплатой средств



совсем не те объёмы, на которые можно рассчитывать за такую плату


такое. сомнительная репутация

Create your Rig on MiningRigRentals

Your second step should be to setup your Rig on MiningRigRentals. You can begin by going to the My Rigs page. Begin by clicking Create new Rig.
Fill in the requested information,
You’re welcome to name your rig however you want. Keep in mind this is the first thing your potential renter sees in the rig list.
Set the hashrate of your rig, choose the appropriate mining algorithm (sha256 and scrypt are the most common)
Choose a MiningRigRentals server based on your rigs geographical location.

Once your rig is created, browse to your rig by clicking on it in your rig list.
Here you can configure additional information. You can set a long rig description if you wish (Recommended) 
Make changes to hashrate, server selection. You can set the suggested work difficulty that Renters should use here as well (Important)
You should set the price per MH/Day or GH/Day(sha256) and the minimum and max rental durations.
Once you have completed the information setup, please input your pool settings.

We provide you 5 pool slots where your rig mines at when not rented. It is required to set a pool up here so to show your renter that your rig is working. It also increases the responsiveness of the switch to your renters pool when your rig is rented.
It will mine at your first choice when not rented, if your first choice pool is offline, it will attempt the second, and so on.
When your rig is rented, your rig will mine at the renters configured pool location.
Once you have finalized the setup of your rig, you should set the Rental Status to Available in order to list your rig on our site. It is also not required to have your rig listed as available, though we encourage you to do so.
Also note your Worker Info used for connecting your rig to MiningRigRentals

There are a few methods of contact for getting a hold of us.

First, if you have an account, you can use our for issues related to rigs/rentals or refunds, or any other issue you have. Note that we can only process refunds through our ticket system.Don’t hesitate to open a ticket with us if you need help with any issue or want to get in contact with us for any reason.

If you don’t have an account or want another method:

Join our Discord channel
We respond quickly on discord, tag @admin. Don’t ask to ask a question, just ask! Include other information relevant to your question beforehand if possible.

You can find us idling on IRC chat on (discord is better though.)

Our Bitcointalk thread MiningRigRentals

Tumblr: miningrigrentals

Who are we:
Mining Rig Rentals, LLC Owners: (Randy) cncr04s, (Daniel) merc
We are based in the United States.

I am getting an error or message as indicated by mining software that mentions SOCKET

This message is a normal message. Any severity to the message applies to the connection link between you and the remote connection, it does not apply to mining or your hardware.
This message indicates that the connection to the remote service endpoint was closed. It can be that your miner disconnected, or remote side has closed the connection.
Your miner may close the connection for a variety of reasons:

  • A mining reset as requested by the pool in normal operation
  • A hardware event initiated the disconnection
  • Protocol incompatibilty

The remote side (our service endpoint) will issue a disconnect for a varirty of reasons:

  • The pool being mined to (yours or renters) requested a connection reset.
  • Our service changed pool configuration (at your request, or when renter changes their pools)
  • Our service could not connect to your pool
  • Protocol incompatibilty

Create your Rig on MiningRigRentals

Your second step should be to setup your Rig on MiningRigRentals. You can begin by going to the My Rigs page. Begin by clicking Create new Rig.
Fill in the requested information,
You’re welcome to name your rig however you want. Keep in mind this is the first thing your potential renter sees in the rig list.
Set the hashrate of your rig, choose the appropriate mining algorithm (sha256 and scrypt are the most common)
Choose a MiningRigRentals server based on your rigs geographical location.

Once your rig is created, browse to your rig by clicking on it in your rig list.
Here you can configure additional information. You can set a long rig description if you wish (Recommended) 
Make changes to hashrate, server selection. You can set the suggested work difficulty that Renters should use here as well (Important)
You should set the price per MH/Day or GH/Day(sha256) and the minimum and max rental durations.
Once you have completed the information setup, please input your pool settings.

We provide you 5 pool slots where your rig mines at when not rented. It is required to set a pool up here so to show your renter that your rig is working. It also increases the responsiveness of the switch to your renters pool when your rig is rented.
It will mine at your first choice when not rented, if your first choice pool is offline, it will attempt the second, and so on.
When your rig is rented, your rig will mine at the renters configured pool location.
Once you have finalized the setup of your rig, you should set the Rental Status to Available in order to list your rig on our site. It is also not required to have your rig listed as available, though we encourage you to do so.
Also note your Worker Info used for connecting your rig to MiningRigRentals

Saved Pool Requirements

Before you create a Favorite Pool, you must gather the following information from the pool provider:

  1. Hashing Algorithm — Click to view currently supported Hashing Algorithms.

  2. Host — Server endpoint supplied by your pool provider.

    • Pool Hosts are typically supplied using the following format:stratum+tcp://pool.server:PORT

    • Currently, MiningRigRentals only supports stratum+tcp:// pools.

  3. Pool Username — Depending on the pool, the username may be a Destination Wallet or a Username.

    • Wallet Example:   Ae9TJzgua3xQzRChsaTJAtqJYXGQa2WEYZ.mrr

    • Username Example:nickganga.mrr

Note: The suffix .mrr is used to identify the worker on the pool. Pool support may vary for this feature. Please check with your pool for compatibility.  

  1. Pool Password — Depending on the pool, this field may or may not be necessary.

    • Some pools allow you to set variables (such as difficulty) via the password field.

    • Check with your pool operator for variable support in the password field.

Create your Rig on MiningRigRentals

Your second step should be to setup your Rig on MiningRigRentals. You can begin by going to the My Rigs page. Begin by clicking Create new Rig.
Fill in the requested information,
You’re welcome to name your rig however you want. Keep in mind this is the first thing your potential renter sees in the rig list.
Set the hashrate of your rig, choose the appropriate mining algorithm (sha256 and scrypt are the most common)
Choose a MiningRigRentals server based on your rigs geographical location.

Once your rig is created, browse to your rig by clicking on it in your rig list.
Here you can configure additional information. You can set a long rig description if you wish (Recommended) 
Make changes to hashrate, server selection. You can set the suggested work difficulty that Renters should use here as well (Important)
You should set the price per MH/Day or GH/Day(sha256) and the minimum and max rental durations.
Once you have completed the information setup, please input your pool settings.

We provide you 5 pool slots where your rig mines at when not rented. It is required to set a pool up here so to show your renter that your rig is working. It also increases the responsiveness of the switch to your renters pool when your rig is rented.
It will mine at your first choice when not rented, if your first choice pool is offline, it will attempt the second, and so on.
When your rig is rented, your rig will mine at the renters configured pool location.
Once you have finalized the setup of your rig, you should set the Rental Status to Available in order to list your rig on our site. It is also not required to have your rig listed as available, though we encourage you to do so.
Also note your Worker Info used for connecting your rig to MiningRigRentals

Что предлагает Mining Rig Rentals

Есть несколько качеств, которые выгодно отличают майнинг на Mining Rig Rentals от аналогичных платформ. Во-первых, при выборе оборудования для аренды пользователь может основывать свой выбор на текущем хешрейте, и на общей истории фермы. Показатели всех арендованных ферм можно просматривать в удобном окне.

Во-вторых, наличие надежной прокси-системы, которая написана с помощью кода C++ для максимально быстрой реакции платформы на любые изменения.

В-третьих, условия аренды могут быть пересмотрены в случае низкой производительности системы, чтобы исключить вариант, когда пользователь платит впустую за ферму, хешрейт которой намного меньше заявленного.

Меню аренды установки в Mining Rig Rental

К преимуществам можно еще отнести возможность массовой аренды до 27 установок, и доступные резервные пулы (5 штук).

Недостатки платформы

Однако нужно выделить и некоторые недостатки. Нам удалось определить только один серьезный изъян – одновременное обновление установок. Если пользователь арендует большое количество установок, то в случае необходимости обновления, нужно производить их вручную и по отдельности. В настройках Mining Rig Rentals нет единого меню для обновления всех установок и поэтому на осуществление этой процедуры нужно довольно много времени.

Refund Policy

Our system accurately tracks accepted shares. Shares are the units of work marked as completed at your pool made by the rig.

The work expected for a rental is pre-computed at the beginning of the rental. For a normal length rental we display this as the «average hashrate», the value reflects the work received during the active length of the rental. Average hashrate is tied to the rental length, if the rental length varies through purchased extensions or a rental cancellation, we show the average during the active length, not the total length. This means that the average can show a value, but if there was remaining time cancelled, the actual total work received does not reflect the «average hashrate», but is lower since the total time was expected. These values are used to compute the total work received when issuing any refunds.Note that a rental is considered completed, or satisfied when the total time of the rental has elapsed and the average hashrate is 100% or above, no refunds will be issued, unless there was a gross over or understatement of the hashrate by the rig owner.

There are two components in a rental, first component is the rig, the other is the pool.We do not offer refunds for pool related issues, as it is your responsibility to add stable, online and working pools using the correct work difficulties for the rented rig. Utilizing our backup pool system significantly reduces pool related hash-rate loss. We offer a pool test when you add a pool into a pool list page, if your information is not valid in some way it will notify you. If you are unsure why there is an error, please contact support. 
The second component to a rental is the rig. If the rig is offline for some period (shown on the graphs as orange bar and no hashrate), or if the rig consistently shows a pattern of not hashing at the advertised speed, specifically when not rented, we use that data to calculate eligibility for a refund.

Refunds are prorated​ based on the difference between the work expected for the length of the rental purchased, and the shares accepted by your pool. If the rig owner extends your rental to cover for losses, that time is added to the total work received. We do not offer full refunds, generally speaking. A full refund can only occur if the rig was offline 100% of the time and did not produce any shares at your pool. 

Create a Profile Configuration

After creating at least 2 Pool Profiles, we can combine two or more Saved Pool Configurations to create a Pool Profile.

  1. Navigate to Profiles:

    1. From the Saved Pool Configuration page, choose the blue Profiles button.

  1. From anywhere else, access the DROP DOWN menu from your USERNAME in the top right corner and choose Pool Profiles.

  1. From the Saved Profile Configuration page, choose the green Create New Profile button.

  2. Provide a name to describe your Saved Profile Configuration, define the hashing algorithm and choose Save.

In this example, I am creating a ZCash Profile for Suprnova.

  1. Now that a new Saved Profile exists, add all appropriate Pool Configurations (created above) to the Saved Profile.

    1. Note: Only Saved Pool Configurations that match the Saved Profile Configurations will appear in this list.

  1. After all profiles have been added, use the UP and DOWN arrows to reorder the pool priority. This profile will failover following the order defined here.

Congratulations, you have just created your first Saved Profile Configuration!

Официальная информация о платформе

Сайт был зарегистрирован в феврале 2015-го года, а пул начал работу с апреля 2014-го. На официальном сайте красуется слоган “the eHarmony of the mining community”, то есть «гармония майнингового сообщества». В официальной группе Mining Rig Rentals в Твиттере есть упоминание о том, что ресурс расположен в Нью-Йорке. Однако подтвердить или опровергнуть эту информацию мы не можем, так как никаких официальных данных в открытом доступе нет. Кто управляет компанией также не известно.

Тем не менее, свою надежность пул подтверждает уже на протяжении 3,5 лет, а количество пользователей за этот период только увеличивается. О данной платформе знают многие майнеры, и среди них она заслужила репутацию надежной компании.

Create a Saved Pool Configuration

After you have gathered the Pool Information (as described above), it’s time to create the pool record.

  1. After logging into the MiningRigRentals site, access the DROP DOWN menu from your USERNAME in the top right corner and choose Favorite Pools.

  1. From the Saved Pool Configuration window, choose the green Add a Pool button.

  1. Using the information gathered in the previous step () complete the Saved Pool Profile.

In this example, I am creating an entry for mining ZCash on Suprnova.

  1. After completing all the required pool fields, choose Save.

  1. You will now see the newly created Pool in the list.

Congratulations, you have just created your first Saved Pool Configuration!

Create a Saved Pool Configuration

After you have gathered the Pool Information (as described above), it’s time to create the pool record.

  1. After logging into the MiningRigRentals site, access the DROP DOWN menu from your USERNAME in the top right corner and choose Favorite Pools.

  1. From the Saved Pool Configuration window, choose the green Add a Pool button.

  1. Using the information gathered in the previous step () complete the Saved Pool Profile.

In this example, I am creating an entry for mining ZCash on Suprnova.

  1. After completing all the required pool fields, choose Save.

  1. You will now see the newly created Pool in the list.

Congratulations, you have just created your first Saved Pool Configuration!

Create a Profile Configuration

After creating at least 2 Pool Profiles, we can combine two or more Saved Pool Configurations to create a Pool Profile.

  1. Navigate to Profiles:

    1. From the Saved Pool Configuration page, choose the blue Profiles button.

  1. From anywhere else, access the DROP DOWN menu from your USERNAME in the top right corner and choose Pool Profiles.

  1. From the Saved Profile Configuration page, choose the green Create New Profile button.

  2. Provide a name to describe your Saved Profile Configuration, define the hashing algorithm and choose Save.

In this example, I am creating a ZCash Profile for Suprnova.

  1. Now that a new Saved Profile exists, add all appropriate Pool Configurations (created above) to the Saved Profile.

    1. Note: Only Saved Pool Configurations that match the Saved Profile Configurations will appear in this list.

  1. After all profiles have been added, use the UP and DOWN arrows to reorder the pool priority. This profile will failover following the order defined here.

Congratulations, you have just created your first Saved Profile Configuration!

RPI is a metric for both rig owners, and renters.

RPI replaces a review system, it’s designed to let users know there may be a problem with the rig.
There are a few situations that effect RPI, such as if the rig goes offline frequently, as noted by orange Rig Offline statuses on the rig and graphs. 
If the rig’s advertized rate is too high, as in larger than it’s actual hashrate, or otherwise cheating on hashrate. We may disable a rig or adjust hashrate on the rigs that have listed their speed incorrectly.RPI is designed to indicate to the rig owner that they may need to address rig power, internet or stability issues, as well as review that they have set their rig’s hashrate correctly on their MRR page.
RPI considers a number of factors including (but not limited to) the rigs hashrate performance before and after rentals, number of rentals completed, time the rig is offline, refunds generated for rig related issues. MRR Staff makes all RPI adjustments when conducting rental reviews.

A renter may review the RPI score and know that there may be issues with the rig, such as those outlined above. While majority of the rig’s are online and hash correctly, there are always a few that may not work well, this is what RPI is for.
We have recently made changes to RPI to more easily indicate the score of a rig. We have scores ranging from BEST, GOOD, BAD. A score of a newly created rig is listed as NEW.

The «BEST» score indicates that this rig is one of the best rigs on our site and is a stable rig.
The «NEW» scorebeing the score for new rigs. Once established with at least 5 rentals without incident, a new rig is moved to the BEST RPI score.
The «GOOD» score indicates rigs that often perform well, but occasionally may have a problem.
The «BAD» score indicates rigs that often have problems. If a rig score drops below bad, we may disable the rig or the rig will not be listed.

If the rig looks stable lately, you could give the rig owner the benefit of the doubt and try for a successful rental to help them with their score. 

KYC (Know Your Customer)

Mining Rig Rentals does not currently collect personally identifying information. We are a marketplace (essentially a retail establishment) that enables our users to pay for specific cryptocurrency mining services with cryptocurrency in leu of any other form of legal tender. We also pay clients listing their cryptocurrency mining hardware on our service in cryptocurrency in leu of any other form of legal tender. We do not offer or solicit any other cryptocurrency services such as trading, exchanging, or conversion. Our cryptocurrency wallet services are intended for the purchase of rentals, or being compensated for offering mining hardware for rentals on our service. If you are intending to purchase rentals on our platform, you must already have the cryptocurrency funds in which to pay the rental fee with. Our cryptocurrency wallet is non-custodial, and is intended only to operate between us and our client, the use of our wallet to send to a third party (Such as another person, business, or exchange) is prohibited and against our Terms Of Service. 

Mining Rig Rentals, LLC Currently operates in the United States.
We do not operate as a Money Service Business as outlined in rulings FIN-2014-R007 and FIN-2014-R004 issued by the «Financial Crimes Enforcement Network» and claim exemption from general KYC/AML Procedures.

However, there are still some situations in which we require, and including at our discretion, to collect personally identifying information.
This may include, full legal name, full legal address of residence, country of residence, picture of government issued ID, social security number or card image (United States), passport (if available), utility/rent/mortgage bill, place of work.

Refund Policy

Our system accurately tracks accepted shares. Shares are the units of work marked as completed at your pool made by the rig.

The work expected for a rental is pre-computed at the beginning of the rental. For a normal length rental we display this as the «average hashrate», the value reflects the work received during the active length of the rental. Average hashrate is tied to the rental length, if the rental length varies through purchased extensions or a rental cancellation, we show the average during the active length, not the total length. This means that the average can show a value, but if there was remaining time cancelled, the actual total work received does not reflect the «average hashrate», but is lower since the total time was expected. These values are used to compute the total work received when issuing any refunds.Note that a rental is considered completed, or satisfied when the total time of the rental has elapsed and the average hashrate is 100% or above, no refunds will be issued, unless there was a gross over or understatement of the hashrate by the rig owner.

There are two components in a rental, first component is the rig, the other is the pool.We do not offer refunds for pool related issues, as it is your responsibility to add stable, online and working pools using the correct work difficulties for the rented rig. Utilizing our backup pool system significantly reduces pool related hash-rate loss. We offer a pool test when you add a pool into a pool list page, if your information is not valid in some way it will notify you. If you are unsure why there is an error, please contact support. 
The second component to a rental is the rig. If the rig is offline for some period (shown on the graphs as orange bar and no hashrate), or if the rig consistently shows a pattern of not hashing at the advertised speed, specifically when not rented, we use that data to calculate eligibility for a refund.

Refunds are prorated​ based on the difference between the work expected for the length of the rental purchased, and the shares accepted by your pool. If the rig owner extends your rental to cover for losses, that time is added to the total work received. We do not offer full refunds, generally speaking. A full refund can only occur if the rig was offline 100% of the time and did not produce any shares at your pool. 

Configure your mining device.

Your miner has to be pointed to one of our stratum servers below and user credentials for your rig have to be specified. We currently operate in the following regions: US East Coast (us-east), Europe/Amsterdam (eu), Europe/Germany (eu-de), US West Coast (us-west), US Central (us-central), and Asia-Pacific/Singapore (ap).

The login credentials needed for your miner’s configuration file look like this: (please, fill your Username.ID with the supplied Worker Info on your MiningRigRentals Rig)

The password can be an arbitrary text since there is no security issue present here. If someone tried to connect to our servers with your credentials, whoever would be just mining for your benefit. It is also slightly helpful if you choose a unique password for each physical miner device you point to your rig. 

The servers can be chosen from the following list based on your geographical location:

Servers Location Address
USA, east coast stratum+tcp://
USA, west coast stratum+tcp://
USA, central stratum+tcp://
Asia-Pacific/Singapore stratum+tcp://
Europe, Amsterdam stratum+tcp://
Europe, Germany stratum+tcp://
Europe, Russia: Moscow stratum+tcp://

You can point more than one hardware device to your Rig and you can connect to any MRR server. We recommend you use more then one MRR server in your local miner configuration. We support IPv6 for increased availability and better latency.
You would take this information and setup your device to connect to MiningRigRentals.

It is important to set the device to connect to our stratum often, usually your first «pool» choice. It is also important to add local backup pool locations to mine at incase your renter or your pool (configured at MiningRigRentals) goes offline. Your rig must support client.reconnect in order to be connected to your rig’s temporary port.

Also note that since we have ipv6 enabled, if your ipv6 configuration is broken, your machine may try to use it. If you have any connection issues, check to see if that is the cause.
Also while we have a global array of servers, we acknowledge that some regions may be under served like South America, Africa, Australia, China, Middle-East. If your in one of these regions, try to find the server with the least ping value, if any issues persist, also try using the raw ip address in your config for the server you chose. 
Hopefully with this guide you have been able to setup your mining hardware (rig) to connect here and be able to take part in the great potential of additional profit renting will bring you.

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